Monday, September 10, 2007

Fasting and prayer


no new news...Just wanted to update and let you know we have a whole community of friends & family fasting until this gets resolved! People are picking a day of the week to fast, so every week gets covered until Fatu & Osobie comes home! So, if you can, we'd love you to join us in prayer and fasting! We are not giving up,..we will continue to fight for our kids!
We love you all and our hearts are overflowing with gratefulness for your willingness to cry out to God on our kids and Alonso's kids behalf.

I continue to meditate on Jeremiah 29: 11 "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future".
Thank you for all your prayers! Well, an update...boy, this is tough. At the moment the U.S. visa consulate is not issuing visas due to discrepancies in our case. The consular is presenting our case to the state department advisory board to be reviewed. They will decide by Tuesday if the whole case will be re investigated or not. If they decide against reinvestigation....we would be at risk of losing Fatu and Osobie, which we cannot even imagine. Only God knows what will happen at that point. If they do decide on reinvestigation, we are hoping and praying this will give AOH a second chance at presenting our case. It would delay us probably a month or so, but at least in the end we would be able to bring home our dear children.
We really-really need your prayers!!
I know we just keep asking for them...and I know you are all praying, This is all we have left. God's mercy. God's hand over and in all of this.
All of you who have walked this LONG journey with us.

With heavy hearts,
Jeff and Katie


Brandi said...

I will be praying tomorrow like crazy! I went to spinning this morning and spent one of my super long sprints praying my heart out for you guys! PS I hate those sprints, but it really does allow me good time for prayer during that 45 minutes!

Know that you are on our hearts,


this is us said...

Praying, praying, praying!

Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

Pryaing with you, Denise

Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...


Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

I just read the Knab's blog about everyone gathered at your house on Saturday to pray. How awesome! We were praying with you while we were out of town. Stay strong.

S and K said...

Still praying and fasting. Let us know if there is day of the week in need of fasting, otherwise we'll continue through the verdict and then praying until they come home!

Please Lord Jesus bring these children home to the parents that love them and want them. Please hear our cries and our groans from the inmost places. We beg you, Lord, to move these mountains, for Your glory, not ours.

The McKinneys

Rick and Kate said...

As I was reading your update, I was reminded of God's provision for Abraham and his son Issac. That God already provided for Abraham. Abraham only needed to TRUST GOD. Even though he could not see any way out he trusted GOD for provision. This is not over and GOD can be trusted and we stand with you in asking GOD for provision. God is good all the time God is good.