Tuesday, October 7, 2008


We made it!!!!!!!!
Praise Jesus!!!
I know this is a bit late but I've found it much harder to connect to Internet now that I am tote-ing around 2 kids!! We are all well and enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of sweet AFRICA!
After many trips here, we really do feel quite at home in a wierd way. Jeff is in Arua while the kids and I are staying in Jinja until Friday. We will reunite on Friday in Kampala (capital of uganda) and then travel via bus or airplane to Arua on Sunday. Jeff has found us a home nearby his office and on the same road that we had lived on back in 2005? It formerly housed the NGO "Right To Play" which ministered to kids in refugee camps in Sudan. Our house is being furnished with the basics as we speak so we won't be moving in for another 2 weeks. Until then we will stay in a hotel in Arua where Jeff has been staying.
Okay, gotta run!! Much to do to prepare for the visitors from the States!! I will be meeting my friend Brandi on Thursday and we'll get to visit Rapha school (bethesda International) and see the work on the well that she helped fund!!!
Sending Jesus sweet love to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for all the prayers for our family!! we are wrapped in them daily!!